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Effectiveness of Solar Panels in Winter

Contrary to popular beliefs, solar panels do work in the wintertime, but are they just as effective? In this article we’re going to talk about the myths and misconceptions about the effectiveness of solar panels in winter and whether you’re still getting your money’s worth or not.
Does the temperature affect your solar panel efficiency?
The majority of people typically envision a bright, sunny day with a temperature that is as high as possible when they think of the ideal weather for solar panels. While a sunny, hot day in the middle of summer will produce a sufficient amount of solar energy, these are not the only days of the year when solar panels are beneficial for the owner of a home or business.
Solar panels use the Sun’s light supply to gather energy; they do not use its heat. So, a solar panel will produce electricity as long as the sun is shining on it regardless of high temperatures.
Believe it or not, because of how electrons flow in cooler temperatures, the output is often higher and more efficient when it is colder outside. In cooler temperatures, electrons are at rest (have low energy), but when activated by more sunlight, the solar panel achieves a higher difference in voltage generating more energy. This inevitably leads to a solar panel system that is more effective.
Will Snow and Harsh Winter Weather Hurt Solar Panel Energy Production?
Although cold weather won’t harm a solar panel’s functionality, other elements like snowfall may affect the total energy produced. The amount of snow collecting on top of your panels will ultimately determine how much of an impact there is. UV rays can still pass through a layer of snow so a light dusting of snow won’t be an issue.
Solar panels are installed at an angle to help maximise the absorption of UV rays. Additionally, this helps the bulk of snow easily just slide off of the panels. If, however, the snow does build up this will significantly reduce the solar energy your panels can generate. If this happens, it may be worth researching the best ways to remove excess snow from your solar panels.
Is the Effectiveness of Solar Panels in Winter Worth It?
It’s vital to think of solar panel installation over the winter as an investment that will lower annual energy use. Despite the possibility that a solar panel may operate at a lower efficiency due to bad weather and a lack of sunshine, there are still plenty of benefits long term that outweigh the potential energy loss in the wintertime. It’s important to know that the energy solar panels generate still work in the wintertime. It is only affected by extreme weather conditions, in fact, the rain actually benefits your solar panels because it cleans them for you improving their function.
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