Specialists Providers Of

Renewable Energy & Electrical Engineering in Greater Manchester

Griff Services Ltd are Approved Electricians in Greater Manchester We are local experts in electrical engineering and contracting services in Greater Manchester.



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At Griff Services Ltd we are passionate about delivering the best possible service for our customers. Whether it’s carrying out a simple PAT test or reducing your carbon footprint with new renewable energy technologies.

Michael Gancarz | MD & Chief Engineer

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Lancaster Castle EV Charging Solutions

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Holders of Congresbury SEAT - EV Rapid Charger

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Herefordshire Council - Leominster Multi Agency - 30kWp

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Evesham Vale Growers - 250kWp Solar Panels

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Fletchers Engineering - 50kWp Solar Panels

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Battery Storage - 20kWh North Wales

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All Case Studies
Asset 3

The Importance of Professional Electrical Inspections for Your...

Everything You Need To Know About VAT Changes...

Top Trends in Commercial Renewable Energy Solutions in...

Is Winter a Good Time to Get Solar...

Do You Need Planning Permission or Building Regs...

The Future is Bright with Solar Battery Storage


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